
Discussion about general rules for dummy, and other, calibration including:
1) coding for the specific or additional measurements at the dummies or the test rigs;
2) "Type of the test" and "Subtype of the test" descriptors to identify the calibration procedure used in a test.
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Post by DiVe »

Dear Colleagues,

This subtask deals with the standardization of the data exchange and

The major aims are:
- specification of unique codes used in the different calibration

- define additional (optional) descriptors if needed for this
specific kind of data exchange

- discuss additional general rules for calibration data data sets

- finally a unique description of the type of test and the dummy
used in the test

Just some remarks for the following:
TOB = Test object
SP = Seating position

Some basic items to be discussed for the above aims:
a) How to code the TOB (ISO-Code[1]) and SP(ISO-Code[2]) for the
dummy measurements and the measurements of the test devices
used in the calibration?

since MME 1.4: "D" for Dummy or Dummy-Impactor!
-> Coding like: "D0HEAD0000H3ACXP"

since MME 1.4 for Impactor:
"P" for Pendulum: Neck, Thorax(?)
"H" for linear impactor: Thorax(?)
"T" for Test rig: Torso bending, Hip flexion,...

b) How to code additional measurements at the dummy?
Neck bending angle, torso flexion angle,....

c) How to code measurements on the impactors devices?
Impactor acceleration, velocity, force,.....
c1) How to code Main locations? ("SENS"?)

d) Which measurements belongs to the dummy and which to the device?
For example C1 and C5 angle in neck pendulum test?

e) Set up general rule for TOB order of test objects?
Like: Dummy always first TOB and device/impactor
if available second TOB?

f) sometimes there is no Dummy channel in the measurement.
Therefore the proposal is to include the type of dummy in
the "Type of the test" or "Subtype of the test" descriptors.

Like: "Head Calibration HF"

That are just some first ideas for this sub task to initiate the
discussion. Any comments or recommendations are welcome.

I will provide a list of coding proposals for several Hybrid III
start of next week.

It would be fine to have some coding proposals for EuroSID-1, ES-2
calibration test. Can someone supply coding proposals? Maybe just for some procedures?
Last edited by DiVe on Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sebastian Rings
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Post by Sebastian Rings »

General comment: We should agree to the general principles first before discussing special codes.

Special comments see below.
Some basic items to be discussed for the above aims:
a) How to code the TOB (ISO-Code[1]) and SP(ISO-Code[2]) for the
dummy measurements and the measurements of the test devices
used in the calibration?
since MME 1.4: "D" for Dummy or Dummy-Impactor!
-> Coding like: "D0HEAD0000H3ACXP"
Comment: "D" is ok
since MME 1.4 for Impactor:
"P" for Pendulum: Neck, Thorax(?)
"H" for linear impactor: Thorax(?)
"T" for Test rig: Torso bending, Hip flexion,...
Comment: In principle all three proposals are ok. I myself would prefer to use one code only (i.e. "T").
b) How to code additional measurements at the dummy?
Neck bending angle, torso flexion angle,....
Comment: For all test rig sensors we should use the related test rig code (e.g. "P" or "T"). For the main locations I see two possibilities: either use such a neutral code like "SENS" or, if the sensor location can be assigned to a specific dummy location, we could use the related dummy location (e.g.. "NECK" oder "PELV"), quasi as external sensor.
c) How to code measurements on the impactors devices?
Impactor acceleration, velocity, force,.....
c1) How to code Main locations? ("SENS")
Comment: In my opinion this is ok, because the number of sensors is very limited, thus it is not necessary to spcify it more precisely.
d) Which measurements belongs to the dummy and which to the device?
For example C1 and C5 angle in neck pendulum test?
Comment: see b)

e) Set up general rule for TOB order of test objects?
Like: Dummy always first TOB and device/impactor
if available second TOB?
Comment: We do it that way
f) sometimes there is no Dummy channel in the measurement.
Therefore the proposal is to include the type of dummy in
the "Type of the test" or "Subtype of the test" descriptors.
Like: "Head Calibration HF"
Comment: We always include the dummy type in the type of test.
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Some Example Code (Hybrid III family frontal)

Post by DiVe »

Hello colleagues,
as promised some example codes for the discussion.

Please comment about them.
Some example codes for Hybrid III frontal impact calibartion procedures. Includes some proposals for "Type of the test" an "Subtype of the test" descriptors.
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Post by DiVe »

Sebastian Rings wrote:General comment: We should agree to the general principles first before discussing special codes.
That is a good idea. Nevertheless I have prepared some codes in the message before just to have a base for the exchange of code examples or proposals.
DiVe wrote: since MME 1.4 for Impactor:
"P" for Pendulum: Neck, Thorax(?)
"H" for linear impactor: Thorax(?)
"T" for Test rig: Torso bending, Hip flexion,...
Sebastian Rings wrote:Comment: In principle all three proposals are ok. I myself would prefer to use one code only (i.e. "T").
Sounds reasonable. Doing so we can avoid discussions about what is a pendulum and what is more a linear impactor (like for thorax "pendulum").
Sebastian Rings wrote: Comment: For all test rig sensors we should use the related test rig code (e.g. "P" or "T"). For the main locations I see two possibilities: either use such a neutral code like "SENS" or, if the sensor location can be assigned to a specific dummy location, we could use the related dummy location (e.g.. "NECK" oder "PELV"), quasi as external sensor.
So we just need to define which one we contribute to the dummy and which are belonging to the "test rig". Especially for the angle measurement on the neck flexion/extension I would prefer to use dummy locations. Here the attributes C1 and C5 suggest that it is an angle measured on the "cervical spine"=dummy. And the device is mounted on the dummy parts and not on the test rig. Isn't it?
Are there any more? (I have not seen all calibration fixtures in real. So I am not shure if I overlook something).
Sebastian Rings wrote:Comment: We always include the dummy type in the type of test.
Would you agree using the Fine Location 3 codes? This will give unique names in the type of test.
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Some findings from the AK ISO MME Meeting in March 2008

Post by DiVe »

Some findings from the AK meeting in MArch 2008:
- dummy or dummy parts should be coded with Test Object "D"
- Seating Position will be "0"

- measurements on the Pendulum, Impactor or Fixture would be coded with Test Object code "T"
- in principle existing code should be used if appropriate
-> Example: Pendulum acceleration could be T0SENS0000ACXP

- we recommend to use the dummy always as first Test Object in the data set
- neck angle measurements on the dummy neck will be considered as measurements channels of the dummy
- coding for neck angle measurements could be: D0NECKUP00H3ANYP and D0NECKLO00H3ANYP

Any comments and recommendations are welcome.
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Re: Introduction&Discussion

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,
I have recently prepared a presentation dealing with the extension to be made for exchanging dummy certification data by using ISO MME.

Please find the document attached for further discussion:
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Re: Introduction&Discussion

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,

after a long time, there is now new and intense activity in this topic:
A group of experts from the dummy certification testing and processing has prepared
a new approach to code especially the test rig specific channels.

The base idea is to have a unique coding approach but also avoid the need to change the
coding on a test rig if it will be used for different dummies or body sides.

After some discussion sessions the following approach will reflect the outcome.
Mr Darius Grabowski from VW has created with much effort the following document:
(1.56 MiB) Downloaded 314 times
It is intended for further feedback and discussion.

For the database we will need to add the main location "PEND".
We can provide on the next ISO MME Task Force meeting (expected: 2022-08-31) more details.

Finally, this should lead to a new RED document that is added the ISO 13499.
This will then include the figures and the coding from the table.

Kind regards,
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Re: Introduction&Discussion

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,
we have reviewed the current proposal and found a case that is not covered so far at the neck test for the THOR dummy:

In the specification of the NHTSA the head angle will be determined as integrated difference from an AV measurement
on the pendulum:
Pendulum_AV_NECK_THOR-50M_Qualification_Sept_2018.png (5.9 KiB) Viewed 3297 times

(in our new table T0PEND000000AVYP, without CFC applied)
and an AV measurement from the dummy head:

for flexion/extension:
HEAD_AV_NECK_Frontal_THOR-50M_Qualification_Sept_2018.png (5.49 KiB) Viewed 3297 times

for lateral flexion:
HEAD_AV_NECK_Lateral_THOR-50M_Qualification_Sept_2018.png (5.58 KiB) Viewed 3297 times
So we need to extend our table for this variant like this:
Table_for_NECK_THOR-50M_Qualification_Sept_2018.png (91.63 KiB) Viewed 3297 times
In this case, we would propose to not use a D0SUBJ... coding approad for the head sensor as this is a standard dummy sensor build in the head and already coded -> D0HEAD0000THAVX/YP

This procedure will be used for TH and T3.

Kind regards,
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