In the specification of the ISO MME (V1.x) several descriptor values are given the attribute:
Indeed this is not very specific. You will find (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/alphanumeric):
Based on the encoding for the descriptor files of ISO 8859-1 this will enable a wide range of characters that might be used.
Indeed some characters that are difficult to distinguish should be ommited.
In ISO MME V2.x the definition of the descriptor values is available in more categories:
- „string“
- „reference“
- „filereference“
And for string each character from the ISO 8859-1 is allowed:
It would be helpful to provide a specific subset that is allowed or at least recommended for the exchange.
Allowed characters for Descriptor Values
Help in understanding TS 13499
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- TS 13499 - Suggestions
- ↳ Corrections to existing codes
- ↳ Additional codes
- ↳ Clarification
- ↳ Last TaskForce meeting
- ↳ Next TaskForce meeting
- ↳ MME 2.0 discussion
- ↳ IR-TRACC discussion
- ↳ Movie Codes
- ↳ Naming Rules
- ↳ Vehicle Figures
- ↳ Vehicle surface and structure
- ↳ Restraint systems and seats
- ↳ Electric systems (HV)
- ↳ Impactors
- ↳ Other Figures
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- ↳ Overview
- ↳ Chest Deflection Measurement
- ↳ Euro SID (E1, E2, ER)
- ↳ Hybrid III (H3, HF, HM)
- ↳ SID IIs (S2)
- ↳ Child Dummy Y-series (Y2, Y6, Y7, YA)
- ↳ Child Dummy Q-series (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q6, QA)
- ↳ WorldSID (WS, WF)
- ↳ BioRID (BR)
- ↳ THOR (TH, TF, T3)
- ↳ Codes for THOR dummy
- ↳ Codes for WorldSID
- ↳ Codes for ES-2re
- ↳ Codes for Advanced Lower Leg for Hybrid 3 dummies
- ↳ Dummy certification
- ↳ Testtypes, Subtypes and Regulations
- ↳ Active Safety Codes
- ↳ Dummy Positioning
- TS 13499 - Archive
- ↳ Release 1.5
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- TS 22240 - the current release
- ↳ Vehicle Safety Information Model - VSIM
- ↳ RED A
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- ↳ RED C
- ↳ Testdata
- TS 23520 - EQX - EQuipment eXchange
- ↳ Documents and RED (XSD, demo data)