1157 Child Restraint coding

Suggestions for new codes
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1157 Child Restraint coding

Post by DiVe »

In the following I sampled the ideas and requests for Child Restraint coding. All "Possible Channels" section are new to the database as there are currently no possible channels for Child Restraint coding. The "MLOC" are proposals for new Main Locations if not mentioned that they are already existing.

So here we go:


How to Code Measurements on the Child Restraint Seat and Base?

MLOC = CRSE (Child Restraint SEat)
MLOC = CRBA (Child Restraint BAse)

Possible channels should be general for acceleration, forces and displacement (video analysis):

Possible Channels

??CRSE??????AC?? = Child Restraint Seat Acceleration
??CRSE??????DS?? = ...

??CRBA??????AC?? = Child Restraint Base Acceleration
??CRBA??????DS?? = ...


How to Code Measurements on the Child Restraint Belt?

Already existing
MLOC = CRSB (Child Restraint Seat Belt)

A Child Restraint belt system often uses a separate belt system. The configuration is like a belt harness (H-belt), but with a additional belt between the legs (5 point harness).

Coding should comply the the FL3 coding of the normal belt (B1,B2,B3...). There are two straps acting on the chest. So LE/RI will be used to distinguis between the two straps.

To code the typical measurement locations on the Child Restraint belt the following location codes are sensible:

Possible Channels

??CRSBLE??B3FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Upper Diagonal Belt(left)
??CRSBLE??B4FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lower Diagonal Belt(left)
??CRSBLE??B6FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lap Belt Outside (left)

??CRSBMI??B5FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lap Belt Inside (middle)
or optional (because on the inside there is just one belt and middle is not really needed)
??CRSB????B5FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lap Belt Inside

In the database there is also a CROB Crotch Belt (=Schrittgurt). But here it is not clear if this intended to be used for Child Restraint Belt system.

??CRSBRI??B3FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Upper Diagonal Belt(right)
??CRSBRI??B4FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lower Diagonal Belt(right)
??CRSBRI??B6FO?? = Seat Belt Child Restraint at Lap Belt Outside (right)

The B5 and B6 are normally used for:
B5 = Seat Belt Lap Belt InSide
B6 = Seat Belt Lap Belt OutSide

For the Child Restraint the inside and outside are understood a little different. The middle belt between the legs is on the inside and the two belt staps are on the left and right side on the outside of the Child Restraint.

I had prepared a small sketch for this.
CR_BeltCodes.png (17.16 KiB) Viewed 3992 times

How to Code Forces on the Anchorage / ISOFIX Beams?

Already in the database (since 2001):
MLOC = TOPT (TOP Tether)

Already introduced in the database (since 2006):
MLOC = CRAN (Child Restraint ANchorage)

There was a request for special coding for the Lower Anchorage
(by Graco Childrens Products, and Dorel Juvenile Group) like
ISOFIX, LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren), CANFIX,....

MLOC = CRLA (Child Restraint Lower Anchor)

Even if you can code the Lower Anchorage with CRAN it will not be clear if there is a tether or a rigid beam. Therefore the request was to use CRLA for this kind of beams you will find with ISOFIX,...

Possible Channels

Other typical anchorages are the Top Tether (TOPT) or Lower Tether (used for rearward facing system; often together with a Support Leg)

Possible Channels

As there has been already a TOPT for a long time it might be consequent to introduce a LOWT (LOWer Tether)
MLOC = LOWT (LOWer Tether)

Possible Channels

So the CRAN could be used for coding the Support Leg. But if this might be the only special element left for a child seat it might be even better to use a more descriptive name and set the CRAN to expired.
For the support leg of the Child Restraint the main location could be:
MLOC = CRSL (Child Restraint Support Leg)

Possible Channels

...Simple. Isn't it? :wink:
Last edited by DiVe on Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 1157 Child Restraint coding

Post by DiVe »

There has been a request to extend the coding for a 5 point harness also to adult belt systems.
To follow the coding idea of the above child restraint belt systems coding this will lead to the coding:
??SEBELE00B3FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Upper Diagonal Belt (left)
??SEBELE00B4FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lower Diagonal Belt (left)
??SEBELE00B6FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lap Belt Outside (left)

??SEBERI00B3FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Upper Diagonal Belt (right)
??SEBERI00B4FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lower Diagonal Belt (right)
??SEBERI00B6FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lap Belt Outside (right)

??SEBEMI00B5FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lap Belt Inside (middle)
or optional (because on the inside there is just one belt and MI= middle is not really needed)
??SEBE0000B5FO?? = Seat Belt Harness at Lap Belt Inside

In the database there is also a CROB Crotch Belt (=Schrittgurt). If we decide to use the above proposal for CRS belt system it is sensible to keep the same scheeme here.
We then may expire CROB as we have already done with BDIA and BLAP before.
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Re: 1157 Child Restraint coding

Post by Admin »

Discussed 2014-04-02: still open!
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Re: 1157 Child Restraint coding

Post by washausen »


this proposal is quite old, but I support the proposal of MLOC LOWT and CRSL.
We should agree on the differentiation of "Child Restraint Seat" and "Static Force Application Device".
The Static Force Application Device (MLOC SFAD) can also have a support leg. This should be named as a part of the SFAD. An example for a ISO code is
??SFADFRBO00??? Static Force Application Device front bottom (for Support Leg)

Kind regards,
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