"Physical Dimension" DB

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"Physical Dimension" DB

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,

I found an issue with the physical dimensions. In the database we have defined:
DB ; Decibel; Schalldruck with the default physical unit dB.

Actually Decibel is a physical unit as far as I understood. So it can't be a physical dimension itself. Regarding noise the dB unit is used for the "noise level" or better the "noise pressure level". The German translation is "Schalldruckpegel".

I we intend to have this entry for the noise pressure level the abbreviation DB might not be a good one.

We should discuss this at least in the next meeting. My proposal is, if noise level should be addressed with this entry:

change DB to NL and use "Noise Level" / "Schalldruckpegel" as name.

On the other hand there is already an entry for this in the database:
SP; Peak Sound Pressure Level; Schalldruckpegel

So the above entry might be defined for a different PD or is mistaken/obsolete?

Posts: 460
Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:32 am
Location: Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg - Germany

Re: "Physical Dimension" DB

Post by derpmann »

Set physical dimension DB to expired in MME DataBase 1.6r1p2.
Item closed.

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