Main document and RED A

that which may, or may not, be in version 2.0!
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Main document and RED A

Post by derpmann »

Final version of RED A after the integration of comments from the WG3 meeting in San Diego. -> Official Version
Final version of the main document after the integration of comments from the SC12. -> Base for the official document to buy from the ISO
Final versions of the main document and RED A of MME 2.0 for the voting process in ISO/TC22/SC12.
Revised versions (bugfixing and comments).
Final version of RED A after the integration of comments from the WG3 meeting in San Diego
(384.95 KiB) Downloaded 715 times
Revised version of RED A from 17.07.2014 for discussion in the WG3
(385.32 KiB) Downloaded 740 times
Revised version of RED A from 03.06.2014 for presentation in the WG3
(1.01 MiB) Downloaded 637 times
Revised version of RED A from 19.11.2013
(391.56 KiB) Downloaded 759 times
Final version of the main document after the integration of comments from the SC12
(88.59 KiB) Downloaded 669 times
Revised version of the main document from 29.01.2013
(82.42 KiB) Downloaded 786 times
Revised version of RED A from 29.01.2013
(360.78 KiB) Downloaded 748 times
Revised version of RED A from 07.11.2012
(819.97 KiB) Downloaded 736 times
Final version of the RED A for the SC12 voting from 31.01.2012
(770.61 KiB) Downloaded 723 times
Final version of the main document for the SC12 voting from 31.01.2012
(258.72 KiB) Downloaded 789 times
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