Testdata for RED A Revision 2014-11-06

that which may, or may not, be in version 2.0!
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Testdata for RED A Revision 2014-11-06

Post by derpmann »

Testdata sets for MME 2.0 compatible to the main document and RED A dated 2014-11-06

The test data sets published until 01.01.2017 have to be revised

Please use the attached revised data sets

3239 - Frontal impact / 0 Degree active with 133 channels, object information and NHTSA specific information
MME2V001 - Pedestrian test / Child headform with 4 channels, 4 movies, 2 photos, static data and 6DoF data structures
TEMPLAT2 - Frontal impact / ODB rightside with 18 channels, 4 movies, 6 photos, 3 occupants
Revised data set of test TEMPLAT2
(505.37 KiB) Downloaded 593 times
Revised data set of test ISOFGS20
(3 MiB) Downloaded 665 times
Revised data set of test 3239
(707.84 KiB) Downloaded 630 times
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