Proposal 8 - Open issue - Channel code

that which may, or may not, be in version 2.0!
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Proposal 8 - Open issue - Channel code

Post by derpmann »

Should the descriptor Channel code in channel files be mandatory or optional

In proposal 8 the descriptor .Channel code is optional (see RED A

  • 1) If the descriptor is mandatory it is redundant information.

  • A) The descriptor is mandatory.
  • B) The descriptor is optional.
  • C) The descriptor is unnecessary.
  • D) I describe another solution.
My preference:
I prefer solution C.
D: A second solution would be B in conjunction with open issue solution C (-> optional, but without a dot)
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Paul Wellicome
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Re: Proposal 8 - Open issue - Channel code

Post by Paul Wellicome »

We decided that in the channel files, the headers are mandatory/optional as already defined; in the information files, if you use the block structure then the descriptor ‘channel code’ is mandatory for each channel and all other descriptors are optional. (The channel code is optional in the channel file because it is part of the filename.) In the example for RED-A, we would not include other descriptors in the channel information file.

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