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"testnumber" <-> "laboratory/customer test reference number"

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:14 pm
by wuelfing
It seems that there is a change how to handle the "testnumber", "laboratory test reference number" and "customer test reference number" within the ISO MME 2.0 in comparison to earlier versions?

In ISO/DTR 13499 adopted by the German workgroup for impact test instrumentation Edition 1; 1996/10/11 (ISO-EGV) the filename of the descriptor was defined as follows:
"Name: ´filename`.ISO, where
´filename` has up to 8 characters and is specific either to
´laboratory test reference number` or ´customer test reference number`."

In the ISO/DTR 13499 document there was no testnumber defined but transferring the above rule to the newer ISO-MME standards the filename is the testnumber.

ISO-MME 1.1 – 1.6
In ISO/TS 13499 First edition 2002-##-##, Chapter 5 the testnumber was defined as follows:
"NOTE 1 <testnumber> is an up-to-8-digit alphanumeric code specific to the test used in the test descriptor file (see 6.1)".
But in the cross reference chapter 6.1 there is nothing mentioned about the testnumber.
In Chapter 6.2 the test descriptor is described, but the testnumber is only mentioned once:
“filename”.MME, where “filename” is identical to the test number."
It is not mentioned what information in the test descriptor can be used to read (code) the testnumber from.

In the document "ISO TS13499 RED A Version 1_6 Examples and Hints.pdf" the sample descriptor file has the filename "2005ISO1.MME" and the "Customer test ref. number" is "2005ISO1".
It seems that the rule from the ISO-EGV was used here?

The testnumber was described in the main document (ISO_TS13499_V2_20131119.doc) as follows:
"Test number
The test number is a code specific to the test. In this document and all related electronic documents it is referenced as <testnumber>."

In the lastest RED A (ISO_TS13499_RED_A_V2_Rev_20141106_with_changes.pdf) the testnumber is only mentioned as the filename or a part of the filename of data, information and comment filenames.

The example descriptor file holds the following information:
Filename: "2011ISO2.mme" (i.e. the testnumber is "2011ISO2")
Laboratory test ref number :2011WG3
Customer test ref number :2011ISO1

In this case the testnumber has no correspondence to the laboratory or customer test ref number of the descriptor.
Was it intended to use a different testnumber here?

Real world ISO data
What we see in the real world is:
80% of the ISO data records: Testnumber = Customer test ref number
20% of the ISO data records: Testnumber = Laboratory test ref number

For example if converting ISO-MME 2.0 back to ISO-EGV (which is still in use) we can not store the quite important testnumber in the ISO-EGV (see above rule) if the ISO-MME 2.0 data contains three different numbers for "testnumber", "laboratory test reference number" and "customer test reference number".
If storing three different reference numbers for the test in ISO EGV, I suppose most import filters will bring up an error message?

Asking from another point of view:
Who uses the testnumber as a different number beside the "laboratory test reference number" and "customer test reference number"?

Therefore it may is helpful to add the following remarks to "Customer test ref number" and "Laboratory test ref number" of the chapter 1.3.2 of the ISO/TS13499 RED A V2?
"The testnumber should correspond to the either to ´laboratory test reference number` or ´customer test reference number`."