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QA (Q10) Iliac Load Cell Codes

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:00 am
by DiVe
Dear Colleagues,

we got information via Kees Waagmeester (Humanetics) that the coding for the Iliac load cell is missing.
Based on the manual for the QA, this is optional instrumentation, but there seems to be a ongoing activity for EuroNCAP
to measure the loads on the Iliac applied by the belt system and may to detect submarining.

I have added the correspondig codes to the database:

Code: Select all

In the ISO MME Task force meeting (2017-04-04) we have decided to add the requested codes to page 2 of the QA figure.
Also we desided to move the channels from the Sacrum-Iliac measurements from the first page to the second page.
I have prepared an update for the figure that also uses new (hopefully realistic) positions of the load cells:
Update_QA-ILAC_2017_04_05.png (63.32 KiB) Viewed 8233 times
Any response will be welcome as always.


Re: QA (Q10) Iliac Load Cell Codes

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:13 am
by KeesWaagmeester
The indication of the Iliac (or ASIS) load cells appears to be logic to me.
By aware that the ASIS load cells can be used on the Q6 dummy as well.
I send pictures from the Q6 and Q10 ASIS load cell integration to Dirk Vetter by mail.

Best regards,

Kees Waagmeester

Re: QA (Q10) Iliac Load Cell Codes

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:14 pm
by DiVe
Dear Colleagues,

with the permission of Kees, I can provide the pictures of the ILAC LC integration here:
Q6 pelvis integration of ILAC LC
Q6 pelvis integration of ILAC LC
Q6-ILAC.png (160.43 KiB) Viewed 8227 times
Q10 pelvis integration of ILAC LC
Q10 pelvis integration of ILAC LC
QA-ILAC.png (245.71 KiB) Viewed 8227 times
With the information given in the former post I will add the ILAC Codes also to Q6 now....


Re: QA (Q10) Iliac Load Cell Codes

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 12:12 pm
by derpmann
here is the corresponding figure.