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Corrections of the ISO TS 13499 - MME 2.0 maindocument

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:33 am
by derpmann
Dear colleagues,
please find attached the comments and change requests for the MME 2.0 main document.
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Besides editorial comments the update affects the static data.
It should be allowed to use more than one static measurement data files.
In consequence the static subdirectory should mandatory contain the static data information file.

This changes are accepted by the WG3 at the autumn meeting 2017 in Troy.

Best regards

Re: Corrections of the ISO TS 13499 - MME 2.0 maindocument

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:18 am
by derpmann
Dear colleagues,
here you will find the results of the DTS ballot on ISO 13499:
results of the ballot
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This comments were discussed at the MME-TaskForce meeting 13.06.2018 with the following decisions:
  • US002: the document has to be updated with the proposed change
  • US003: I will create a short document of ‚essential changes‘ from Version 1.x to Version 2 and post it here;
    after 2-3 weeks for comments this document will be send to the WG3
  • US004: the document has to be updated with the proposed change
Best regards