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Other Objects - Deformable Elements - new IIHS

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:41 am
by bjoern.hohage

IIHS will introduce a new kind of Moving Deformable Barrier in 2023 with other specs then the actual one.

do we need a new code for this barrier?

- Change Fine Location 1 from "00" to "02", because IIHS calls the new version "version 2.0"
- Change Fine Location 3 from "DI" to "DJ" - the next letter after I


PS Specs:
old version: ... r_spec.pdf
new version: ... y 2020.pdf

Re: Other Objects - Deformable Elements - new IIHS

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:42 pm
by DiVe
Dear Björn,

very good hint. I would prefer to stay with the "DI" in FL3, to keep the link to IIHS in the code.
Otherwise we need to invent a new FL3 for each variant and might ran out of D-Codes on FL3. :-)

IIHS is calling the barrier specification V2.0 so a 02 should match very well.
M0 DEFO 02 00 DI

If we use FL1 for the number (as you proposed), we will still be able to code subversion in the future
like V2.1: DEFO 02 01

Kind regards,

Re: Other Objects - Deformable Elements - new IIHS

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:14 pm
by derpmann
Decision of the TaskForce:

use the code M0DEFO0200DI for the Version 2 of the IIHS barrier.

The figure should be updated.

Re: Other Objects - Deformable Elements - new IIHS

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:32 pm
by Klaas
Actually closed update of figure required as last step.