ISO codes for Photos

Suggestions for new codes
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ISO codes for Photos

Post by ChrisS »


I have made an application for taking photos for Vehicle Crash tests.
It is for Prep/Test Day/Post Test Measurements. Post Test Measurements is still in the works so code generation in process.
The Tool filters the photos required/ Takes the photo with reference picture & Renames/Adds Banner to the Photos with Modified ISO codes and descriptions. The goal of using the iso codes is for future Report Generation/automation.

Some Examples Below, Format: Test#_Category_ISOcode_Description
Attached is an example photo and the Pre-Test and Post Test List

My proposal is that these additional codes/formats be included in some form officially.
Below is a simplified version of the changes
Location 15 & 16 if PH for Photo
Location 13 & 14 is the time phase of the photo.
PR - Prep
PE - Pre-Test
PO - Post-Test
ME - Measure/post test teardown
Main codes can be used instead of Fine Locations for additional information. (Not just a Photo Request)
14DOORPELV00ACYP P4 Door - Pelvis Acceleration Y

List of some of the New Codes
Main Locations
CABN = Cabin Area
UMBL = Umbilical
CNTR = Center
BLST = Ballast
FULC = Fuel Cap
TRNK = Trunk
CRGP = Charge Port
STRP = Speed Trap
TRGT = Target
SUNV = Sun Visor
PINT = Paint
GDBM = Guard Beam
PRPR = Pressure Paper
INST = Instrumentation
UDBY = UnderBody
DRHD = Door Handle
RFPT = Retrofit Parts
WEHT = Vehicle Weight
IMPT = Impact Point
TIRE = Tire
LTCH = Latch
RAMP = Ramp
PDMI = Power Distribution Module And Inverter
ACCM = AC/Air Compressor
GRND = Grounding Point
SDSW = SD Switch Socket
HVCB = High Voltage Cables
PSGS = Push Gusset
QLNK = Q Link
RAMP = Ramp
STGR = Steering Gear
WSTE = Waist (For Door Waist)
ROLL = Roll

Fine locations
LB = Label
OA = Overall
CN = Connector
BX = Box
CP = Close up
OB = Oblique
WO = Without
WI = With
OH = Overhead
KO = Key On
CT = Contact
IG = Ignition
HD = Hood
OS = Over Shoulder
BH = Behind Head
ST= Struck Side
UT= Unstruck Side
SE = Separation
AR = After Roll
RP = Retention Points
PR = Power
LK = Lock
RS = Resistor
SD = Side
ST = Study
IP = Intrusion Points
GD = Ground
CR = Center
Crash Pre/Post Test Photo List with full codes
(39.45 KiB) Downloaded 153 times
Example Photo
Example Photo
B23P42S090464_P1_Position__Pre_11FOWE0000WIPEPH_Foot_Position.jpg (3.73 MiB) Viewed 1887 times
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