RED A (1.6.3) Proposal 1

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RED A (1.6.3) Proposal 1

Post by DiVe »

Dear All,
please find here the document under discussion for the RED A 2024.
The changes cover the following forum topics:
  • additional descriptor for "lateral velocity" (A.2.1.1)
Lat. vel. test object x :0
Nom. lat. vel. test object x:0
  • LCW row/col and direction information (A.2.2.5)
  • correction in A.2.2.10 for optional ".Sensitivity" descriptor
  • IR-TRACC, MTRAC usage (A.2.2.10)

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Posts: 433
Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:14 am
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Location: IAT Berlin - Germany

Re: RED A (1.6.3) Proposal 1

Post by DiVe »

Dear All,

based on the findings on the Task Force meeting today, I have prepared an updated version of the RED A proposal.
The changes are:

Velocity descriptors (page 8 )
Implemented new namings that uses the abbreviation "TOB" for better readability
and less abbreviated words in the descriptors.

Data Status (page 9)
Allow for status "channel failed" and "system failed" the modification
of the channel samples (may for delivery requirements).
Still the assessment is invalid for these Data Status.

Please find the new proposal here:
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