Figure for TF

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Figure for TF

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,

we need to start the implementation of the TF figures.

So I provide here as a first step a list of Possible Channels found in a document.
(595.22 KiB) Downloaded 688 times
If someone has a better listor overview to start with, please provide information here.

I would propose to use the HF background figure and transfer the TH sensor locations, that are applicable,
from the TH figures.

Differences to TH:
  • One difference is the additional Tilt Sensor in the TF (THSP08?).
  • Another difference is, that there is no MTRAC in the shoulder but a string pot.
Kind regards,
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Re: Figure for TF

Post by bjoern.hohage »

One more different between TH and TF:

- Abdomen pressure sensor

This sensor actual only exists in Q-childs.
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Re: Figure for TF

Post by DiVe »

Please find here a first proposal for the TF figure to be discussed on the next meeting:
(191.93 KiB) Downloaded 565 times
Any feedback on the instrumentation is welcome.

Kind regards,
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Re: Figure for TF

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,

in the figures (20201013) we have marked some points of discussion and received feedback from Humantics on this:

Question: THSP08 instead of THSP04?
Answer: In the attached instrumentation overview drawing this sensor is called mid spine, it is indeed much closer to T8 than to T4, this is different than in the Thor 50th, so T8 is the better ISO naming for Thor 5th.

Question: Upper arm L/R not in instr.-list of Humanetics?
Answer: The upper arms in included in the dummy, must have been a mistake in the list that was provided. See attached the instrumentation overview drawing.

Question: THSP12: 5 or 6 axis?
Answer: The T12 loadcell is 6 axis, see the attached LC drawing.

Question: Name and channels for Elbow sensor?
Answer: There are no elbow loadcells in the Thor 5th. Is this location confused with the lower arm loadcells? Again see the attached instrumentation overview.

Thanks for the feedback to Humantics. We can verify and include this information in the next figures after the next meeting.

Kind regrads,
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Re: Figure for TF

Post by chadivan »

Updated proposal with TF as the ATD Location, original had TH in one location.
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