Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

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Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by washausen »


this is an initial proposal to add field descriptors to mme file to adopt the format for active safety.
I would like to find some common descriptors and start with these or some of these with an additional "." at the beginning as custom descriptors.

You can find list in the attached Excel file or in the code at the end of this post.

Please give feedback, comments and further ideas in reply to this post.
(13.26 KiB) Downloaded 268 times
Kind regards
Martin Washausen

Code: Select all

Field descriptor		Data format	Remark	values (Listet with semicolon)
VUT striking point		Alphanumeric	percentage of the vehicle‘s width which strikes the target without braking in test (Anprallpunkt) in % oder ft 	-0; 25; 50; 75; -2ft; 0ft; +2ft 
test function side		Alphanumeric	test function side gives an infomation of the loaction oft he target (VUT, main line, blind spot, …) 	right; left 
lat. vel. test object x 	Float	lateral velocity of test object in m/s 	
Overlap VUT to TV		Alphanumeric	Overlap of VUT and target vehicle in Percent 	-50; -75; 100; 75; 50; 10 
Lane marking function line	Alphanumeric	Documentation of lane marking on function side 	"Any (comment: continuous  line marking of not specified lane marking or several lane markings); Bot Dots; Dashed 
Solid; none (comment: no line marking); Undefined (comment: line marking available ins sections: interrupted marking or different marking in sections)"
Lane marking secondary line 	Alphanumeric	Documentation of lane marking on secondary  side	"Any (comment: continuous  line marking of not specified lane marking or several lane markings); Bot Dots; Dashed 
Solid; none (comment: no line marking); Undefined (comment: line marking available ins sections: interrupted marking or different marking in sections)"
VUT distance eye VUT end	integer	Distance from the end of the vehicle to the center of the driver's eye ellipse (e.g. 95% Percentile for CNCAP 2021)  in [mm]	
VUT Width			integer	vehicle width of VUT in mm (without rear-view mirrors)	
VUT Length			integer	vehicle length of VUT in [mm] (at the longest point)	
environment day light		Alphanumeric	day light	day; night
road surface temperature	Float	road surface temperature	
sky conditions	Alphanumeric	Himmel / Bewölung	cloudless; slightly cloudy; cloudy; not visible (in German: wolkenlos; leicht bewoelkt; bewoelkt; nicht erkennbar)
precipitation type 		Alphanumeric	description of precipitation	none; rain; snow; hail (in German: kein; Regen; Schnee; Hagel)
precipitation intensity		Alphanumeric	intensity of precipitation type (in German: Niederschalgsintenität)	not relevant; low; medium; strong (in German: nicht relevant; niedrig; mittel; stark)
weather obstruction	Alphanumeric	description of obstruction by weather	fog; smog; spray; none (in German: Nebel; Smog; Gischt; keine)
weight of obstruction		Alphanumeric	intensity of weathere obstruction	not relevant; low; medium; strong (in German: nicht relevant; niedrig; mittel; stark)
wind speed			Float	wind speed in m/s	
road conditions 		Alphanumeric	properties of road conditions od street or provig ground 	dry; wet; wet; snowy; icy; NOVALUE (in German: trocken; nass; feucht; schneebedeckt; vereist; NOVALUE)
VUT Shape Front X -1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front X -2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front X -3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front X +1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front X +2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front X +3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y -1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y -2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y -3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y +1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y +2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Front Y +3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X -1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X -2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X -3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X +1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X +2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck X +3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y -1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y -2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y -3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y +1/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y +2/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	
VUT Shape Heck Y +3/3		Float	Six of seven Points get X- an Y-coordinat. The center point is (0;0); -1/2, -2/3, -3/3 on negativ side of vehicle y-Axis	

Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 12:25 pm
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Re: Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by washausen »


here is a revised draft for the additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety.
A list is in the attached Excel and in the table below.
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Field descriptor		Data format	Remark	values (List with semicolon or example)
VUT striking point		string		percentage of the vehicles width which strikes the target without braking in test (Anprallpunkt) in % or ft 	0; 25; 50; 75; -2ft; 0ft; +2ft 
Test function side		string		test function side gives an information of the location oft he target (VUT, main line, blind spot, …) 	right; left 
Lat. vel. test object x 	float		lateral velocity of test object in m/s 	 
Nominal vel. test object X	float		Nominal velocity of test objet to determine validities	 
Overlap VUT to TV		string		Overlap of VUT and target vehicle in Percent 	-50; -75; 100; 75; 50; 10 
Lane marking function line	string		Documentation of lane marking on function side 	Any (comment: continuous  line marking of not specified lane marking or several lane markings); Bot Dots; Dashed; Solid; none (comment: no line marking); Undefined (comment: line marking available ins sections: interrupted marking or different marking in sections)
Lane marking secondary line	string		Documentation of lane marking on secondary  side	Any (comment: continuous  line marking of not specified lane marking or several lane markings); Bot Dots; Dashed; Solid; none (comment: no line marking); Undefined (comment: line marking available ins sections: interrupted marking or different marking in sections)
VUT distance eye to end		float		Distance from the end of the vehicle to the center of the driver's eye ellipse (e.g. 95% Percentile for CNCAP 2021)  in [m]	 
Environment day light		string		day light	day; night; streetlight
Road surface temperature	float		road surface temperature (in Kelvin)	 
Sky conditions			string		Himmel / Bewölkung	cloudless; slightly cloudy; cloudy; not visible (in German: wolkenlos; leicht bewoelkt; bewoelkt; nicht erkennbar)
Precipitation type 		string		description of precipitation	none; rain; snow; hail (in German: kein; Regen; Schnee; Hagel)
Precipitation intensity		string		intensity of precipitation type (in German: Niederschalgsintenität)	not relevant; low; medium; strong (in German: nicht relevant; niedrig; mittel; stark)
Weather obstruction		string		description of obstruction by weather	fog; smog; spray; none (in German: Nebel; Smog; Gischt; keine)
Weight of obstruction		string		intensity of weather obstruction	not relevant; low; medium; strong (in German: nicht relevant; niedrig; mittel; stark)
Wind speed			float		wind speed in m/s	 
Road conditions 		string		properties of road conditions od street or proving ground 	dry; wet; wet; snowy; icy; NOVALUE (in German: trocken; nass; feucht; schneebedeckt; vereist; NOVALUE)
VUT Shape Front			tuples		the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must lie on the centerline of the vehicle	(x1;y1) (x2;y2) (x3;y3) (x4;y4) (x5;y5) (x6;y6) (x7;y7)
VUT Shape Rear			tuples		the count starts on rear left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must lie on the centerline of the vehicle	(x1;y1) (x2;y2) (x3;y3) (x4;y4) (x5;y5) (x6;y6) (x7;y7)
Dimension of test object X	tuples		width and length as tuple	(width; length) in [m]
Position of the sun		tuples		Proposal for data type: string Data format: (α; β) with α° as angle to VUT main direction and β° as angle to proving ground	(α; β)
Glare angle			float		Glare angle in degrees	

Currently the proposal for VUT shape is:

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VUT Shape Front   (x1;y1) (x2;y2) (x3;y3) (x4;y4) (x5;y5) (x6;y6) (x7;y7)    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must lie on the centerline of the vehicle;
VUT Shape Rear    (x1;y1) (x2;y2) (x3;y3) (x4;y4) (x5;y5) (x6;y6) (x7;y7)    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must lie on the centerline of the vehicle
An alternative would be:

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VUT Shape Front X   x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must be on the vehicle's center line; semicolon as seperator
VUT Shape Front Y   y1; y2; y3; y4; y5; y6; y7    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must be on the vehicle's center line; semicolon as seperator
VUT Shape Rear X   x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must be on the vehicle's center line; semicolon as seperator
VUT Shape Rear Y   y1; y2; y3; y4; y5; y6; y7    the count starts on front left side; If the number of tuples is odd, the middle one must be on the vehicle's center line; semicolon as seperator
But I like the idea of data type “tuples”: (x; y)
with x any y as float. This also fits for

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Dimension of test object X : (width; length)
Position of the sun: (a; b)
For the descriptive attributes, which particularly concern the VUT (Dimesnson, Eye-line,...), the storage in Object/<testnumber>_<testobject>.mmi according to ISO MME 2.1 would also be very interesting.

Please give feedback, comments and further ideas in reply to this post.

Kind regards
Martin Washausen
Last edited by washausen on Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 12:25 pm
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Re: Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by washausen »

Inadditional to the specificaton in the post above, here is an example for a mme file:

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Data format edition number  :1.6
Comments                    :Created by WAS
Laboratory name             :TEST-LAB
Laboratory contact name     :NOVALUE
Laboratory contact phone    :NOVALUE
Laboratory contact fax      :NOVALUE
Laboratory contact email
Laboratory test ref. number :22C2C-123C_US15_XX1234EU
Customer name               :CUSTOMER
Customer test ref. number   :22C2C-123M_US15_XX1234EU_250221113_085421
Customer project ref. number:EA0012345
Customer order number       :22C2C-123C_US15_XX1234EU
Customer cost unit          :4711
Customer test engineer name :NOVALUE
Customer test engineer phone:NOVALUE
Customer test engineer fax  :NOVALUE
Customer test engineer
Title                       :22C2C-123C_US15_XX1234EU CCRm 40kmh
Medium No./number of media  :1/1
Timestamp                   :2022-08-18 11:48:19
Type of the test            :C2C
Subtype of the test         :CCRm_CIB
Regulation                  :USNCAP_C2C_2015
Reference temperature       :292
Relative air humidity       :86
Date of the test            :2022-12-13
VUT striking point          :NOVALUE
Test function side          :NOVALUE
Overlap VUT to TV           :100
Lane marking function line  :NOVALUE
Lane marking secondary line :NOVALUE
VUT distance eye to end     :1.351
Environment day light       :day
Road surface temperature    :288.5 
Sky conditions              :slightly cloudy
Precipitation type          :rain
Precipitation intensity     :not relevant
Weather obstruction         :none
Weight of obstruction       :not relevant
Wind speed                  :5.2
Road conditions             :wet
VUT Shape Front             :(-0.3867;-0.9265) (-0.1102;-0.6201) (-0.012;-0.2985) (0;0) (-0.012;0.2985) (-0.1102;0.6201) (-0.3867;0.9265)
VUT Shape Rear              :(-0.3867;-0.9265) (-0.1102;-0.6201) (-0.012;-0.2985) (0;0) (-0.012;0.2985) (-0.1102;0.6201) (-0.3867;0.9265)
Dimension of test object X  :(4.2515;1.8782)
Position of the sun         :(15;45)
Glare angle                 :15
Number of test objects      :2
Name of test object 1       :EGO
Velocity test object 1      :11.2
Mass test object 1          :NOVALUE
Driver position object 1    :NOVALUE
Impact side test object 1   :FR
Type of test object 1       :1
Class of test object 1      :NOVALUE
Code of test object 1       :NOVALUE
Ref. number of test object 1:NOVALUE
Lat. vel. test object x     :0
Nominal vel. test object X  :11.1111
Name of test object 2       :TARGET
Velocity test object 2      :NOVALUE
Mass test object 2          :NOVALUE
Driver position object 2    :NOVALUE
Impact side test object 2   :NOVALUE
Type of test object 2       :2
Class of test object 2      :NOVALUE
Code of test object 2       :NOVALUE
Ref. number of test object 2:NOVALUE
Lat. vel. test object 2     :0
Nominal vel. test object 2  :8.333333
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Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 12:25 pm
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Re: Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by washausen »


please find attached an improved version of the attributes. I have incorporated the remarks from today's meeting and compared the attributes with the TB21 4.0.2.
In addition, an attribute for "Nominal lateral velocity of test object to determine validities" has been added.
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The differeces are:

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Draft				TB 21
.Nominal vel. test object X	Velocity test object 1 lon.
.Nom. lat.vel. test object X	Velocity test object 1 lat.
.VUT Shape Front		.Profile-X test object 1
				.Profile-Y test object 1
Probably are „test object x” should always be the ending of an test attribute for test objects.
The value type of tuples should be more readable for coordinates.
The shape is not neccessary for other test objects than VUT.

So I would like to stick to the suggestion from the forum.

Kind regards,
Martin Washausen
Posts: 427
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Re: Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by DiVe »

Dear colleagues,

as decided on the Task Force Meeting (2023-09-20) for the part of this topic that is related to
"Intended Velocity"

The intended velocity will be coded for each test object as:

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Nominal vel. test object X	
Nom. lat. vel. test object X	

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Nominal vel. test object 1  :	
Nom. lat. vel. test object 1:	
These descriptors are optional.
This will be added to RED A 2023.

see also: viewtopic.php?p=1349
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 12:25 pm
Company: Volkswagen AG

Re: Additional field descriptors in MME file for active safety

Post by washausen »


please find attached the current list of mme attributes
(155.72 KiB) Downloaded 2 times
How are you about the idea to allow the use of “TOB” instead of “test object” in the attribute. Due to the restriction of 28 characters it is hard to find good attribute names.
This would also allow to add more common attributes to the test objects:

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.Striking point TOB X 
.Shape Front TOB X
.Overlap VUT to TOB X
.Position Offset TOB X
instead of

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.VUT striking point
.VUT Shape Front
Overlap VUT to TV
Please see also the discussion in which could be useful for Euro NCAP.

Kind regards,
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