H3: first attempt at revision!

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Paul Wellicome
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H3: first attempt at revision!

Post by Paul Wellicome »

Here are some files for tomorrow's on-line discussion.

I have some questions - not major problems, but things I'd like to get correct before I do the other revisions. We can discuss tomorrow - it won't take too long.
  • The head angular velocity
    1. Is this additional instrumentation to the standard?
    2. Is the transducer mounted on the Head CG mount (or somewhere else)?
    3. Is the Head angle derived from this or measured?
    4. Is the angular acceleration measured at all?
  • Rib forces and moments
    1. FTSS offer Fx, Fy, Fz and My. I have added these channels to the figure, but they also need to go into the database.
    2. There is no Mz offered - is that correct?
  • Chest angular velocity
    1. Is this measured on the Chest -DS mount?
  • Pelvis angular velocity
    1. Is this measured on the Pelvis -AC or -AN mount?
  • Femurs
    1. The main femur location appears only to offer a uniaxial loadcell, with the upper mount offering the multi-axial mesurement. I have chnaged the figure, but is that correct?
  • Tibia ratio
    1. Is this a calculated channel. I don't recognise it!
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Re: H3: first attempt at revision!

Post by derpmann »

Answers to some of Pauls questions:
  • The head angular velocity
    1. Is this additional instrumentation to the standard? -> it is additional
    2. Is the transducer mounted on the Head CG mount (or somewhere else)? -> it is mounted together with the AC transducers
    3. Is the Head angle derived from this or measured? -> angles on head, chest and pelvis are measeured by special transducers
    4. Is the angular acceleration measured at all? -> the angular accelerations are calculated from the angular velocities
  • Chest angular velocity
    1. Is this measured on the Chest -DS mount? -> it is mounted together with the AC transducers
  • Pelvis angular velocity
    1. Is this measured on the Pelvis -AC or -AN mount? -> it is mounted together with the AC transducers
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Paul Wellicome
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Re: H3: final (draft)

Post by Paul Wellicome »

I have put in the corrections that were suggested at our on-line meeting.

I have added the third page. I wasn't too sure what to call this: "other channels" perhaps. I have added dark red boxes for angular velocity and a green box for temperature.

The excel sheet suggests that lever arm and rib moment should go on page 3, but I am not too sure where to indicate them. Also, resultant channels are not shown. I question the need to show calculated channels, but we can discuss on Wednesday in Wolfsburg…

Please let me know your corrections before end of play Monday and I will put them in before I leave for Hannover on Tuesday.
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