According to the new ISO 17242 it is proposed, at least an Option, to use a cubic polynom as transfer function in alternative to the linear sensitivity for beltforce transducers.
In order to have an opportunity to distinguish the resulting channels easily we would suggest to handle this similar to the chest deflection potentiometer in H3 Dummy.
By using the '03' in Finelocation 2 for the beltforce channels that have been measured with polynomial calibrated transducers the risk of not recognizing the different calibration method when evaluating the channel is minimized.
New Channelcode for polynomial calibrated beltforce transduc
Re: New Channelcode for polynomial calibrated beltforce tran
Proposal to use '03' for the FineLocation 2 for the polynomial calibrated belt force channels accepted by the MME TaskForce.
Item closed
Item closed
Re: New Channelcode for polynomial calibrated beltforce tran
item closed by on-line meeting 28 October 2014
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