Correction to SID IIs figure

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Paul Wellicome
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Correction to SID IIs figure

Post by Paul Wellicome »

In the SID IIs figure, S2_1_20.wmf (figure 2 in the database), the non-struck shoulder rib AC code is incorrect, I think.

The figure has SHRIRI00S2ACX, -Y, -Z. I think it should be SHRI00RIS2ACX, -Y, -Z.
Can anyone confirm that my supposition is correct? If so, I'll change the figure and reissue through Dirk.
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Re: Correction to SID IIs figure

Post by DiVe »

Hello Paul,
...the good old SIDIIs...

but I think you are right. Also in the database the shoulder rib codes follow the (abnormal) scheme from the other ribs:
FL1 with a number and FL2 with the side information.
As there is just one shoulder rib the number here is "00". Also in the mentioned figure the coding for SHRI00LES2ACX, -Y, -Z is "correct". I think that proofs that you found a bug in the figure.

By the way: I have just today talked to the people from Kistler/MSC and Wolfgang Evers (Kistler) suggested that they will still supporting us with the figures. He is verifying who will be the responsible person at Kistler/MSC in the future. I have also asked for the latest figures they have available, to compare them to the database codes.
As I see that you are already working on the figures you might await the feedback we get from Kistler.
If they could provide us (responsive) support for the future preparation of the dummy figures we can focus on the vehicle and interior figures.

p.s. I have sent some days ago a private message to you in the forum (Asking to move the BioRID section from the last meeting to the Additional Codes section of the forum). But I am not sure if it has arrived, because I had some connection problems on the train.

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