Codes for NIJ Parts
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:54 am
Dear colleagues,
in the database there are codes available for the Nij parts of the signal.
These Codes are available since version 1 (14.10.1999) for the dummy types:
H3,HF,HM,Y2,Y6,Y7 and now also for YW (Version 46).
The codes are: In principlal the calculated signals/channels represents the:
parts of the Nij.
As the code is fully used it did not allow to store information on OoP or IP (In-Position) in the code.
In the coding there is also the Main Location "NIJC" Nij Criterion available.
With this coding part (Main Location) a more intuitive naming will be enabled, that also allows to store information
on the kind of calculation:
So my proposal is to expire the old codes and introduce the new codes.
The coding will then also match the existing CVC codes.
Kind regards,
in the database there are codes available for the Nij parts of the signal.
These Codes are available since version 1 (14.10.1999) for the dummy types:
H3,HF,HM,Y2,Y6,Y7 and now also for YW (Version 46).
The codes are: In principlal the calculated signals/channels represents the:
Code: Select all
??NECKUPCEH3000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension)
??NECKUPCFH3000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion)
??NECKUPTEH3000? -> NTE (Tension, Extension)
??NECKUPTFH3000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion)
As the code is fully used it did not allow to store information on OoP or IP (In-Position) in the code.
In the coding there is also the Main Location "NIJC" Nij Criterion available.
With this coding part (Main Location) a more intuitive naming will be enabled, that also allows to store information
on the kind of calculation:
Code: Select all
??NIJCIPCEHF000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension) In-Position
??NIJCIPCFHF000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion) In-Position
??NIJCIPTEHF000? -> NTE (Compression, Extension) In-Position
??NIJCIPTFHF000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion) In-Position
??NIJCOPCEHF000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension) OoP
??NIJCOPCFHF000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion) OoP
??NIJCOPTEHF000? -> NTE (Compression, Extension) OoP
??NIJCOPTFHF000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion) OoP
The coding will then also match the existing CVC codes.
Kind regards,