in the database there are codes available for the Nij parts of the signal.
These Codes are available since version 1 (14.10.1999) for the dummy types:
H3,HF,HM,Y2,Y6,Y7 and now also for YW (Version 46).
The codes are: In principlal the calculated signals/channels represents the:
Code: Select all
??NECKUPCEH3000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension)
??NECKUPCFH3000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion)
??NECKUPTEH3000? -> NTE (Tension, Extension)
??NECKUPTFH3000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion)
As the code is fully used it did not allow to store information on OoP or IP (In-Position) in the code.
In the coding there is also the Main Location "NIJC" Nij Criterion available.
With this coding part (Main Location) a more intuitive naming will be enabled, that also allows to store information
on the kind of calculation:
Code: Select all
??NIJCIPCEHF000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension) In-Position
??NIJCIPCFHF000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion) In-Position
??NIJCIPTEHF000? -> NTE (Compression, Extension) In-Position
??NIJCIPTFHF000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion) In-Position
??NIJCOPCEHF000? -> NCE (Compression, Extension) OoP
??NIJCOPCFHF000? -> NCF (Tension, Flexion) OoP
??NIJCOPTEHF000? -> NTE (Compression, Extension) OoP
??NIJCOPTFHF000? -> NTF (Tension, Flexion) OoP
The coding will then also match the existing CVC codes.
Kind regards,