Additional coordinate system for lateral and longitudinal distance

Discussion about codes for Active Safety Tests.
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Additional coordinate system for lateral and longitudinal distance

Post by washausen »


in order to be able to determine distances between two test objects or to fixed points/objects on the test ground for vehicles with any trajectories above the test ground, a separate coordinate system is required. This coordinate system should not rotate with the test object, but retains the original direction of movement of the test object. An example for rotating test object over test ground could be seen in CCFTap scenarios: the lateral distance between the vehicles is not a lateral value in 1DY.
The proposal is to introduce a coordinate system 1DF in order to be able to keep the initial direction of movement as direction "longitudinal" and Y as “lateral”. It could also be an option to use coordinate system TST, but the initial directions of movement could be in any direction. In intersection scenarios, 1DF allows side determination in relation to the test object.
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By this we can distinguish between a headway velocity (= impact speed) and a longitudinal velocity (relevant for reducing the longitudinal distance). Even more important is the lateral speed / distance on scenarios with curves.

Nearly ever distance should have “DC” as physical dimension, but in TB 21 are some distances already named “DS”: Relative distance VUT – Target --> 10VEHC00DI00DS[X,Y]P

Best regards,
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