Proposal on new main locations and fine locations

Discussion about codes for Active Safety Tests.
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Proposal on new main locations and fine locations

Post by washausen »


in addition to viewtopic.php?t=653 I want to suggest the following main and fine locations for active safety:
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These main location will allow to give functions / vehicle reactions more comprehensible names.
The fine locations will allow to distinguish the measured system reaction.

Main Locations

Code: Select all

ML	Bedeutung		Source
TTTC	AEB Time-to-Collision	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TAEB	AEB activation time	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TFCW	FCW activation time	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TIMP	Impact time		Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TECS	Time where VUT enters in curve segment	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TLKA	LKA activation time	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TLDW	LDW activation time	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TLCR	Line crossing time	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TDOP	Time door opening	Euro NCAP TB 21 (Version 4.0.2)
TRCT	Time Rear Crossing Traffic	new
THMS	Time Hold Management System	new
TABS	Time ABS status			new
Fine Locations

Code: Select all

FL1	long description	comment
WA	main warning signal	main warning signal as reaction for a system/function given by main location
PW	pre-warning signal	prewarning signal as reaction for a system/function given by main location
BE	braking event		breaking event as reaction for a system/function given by main location
PB	pre-braking event	prebreaking event as reation for a system/function given by main location
ST	status			current system status (e.g. on/off)
DC	dynamic calculation	Addition to TTTC for dynamic calculation of current speed/acceleration (für US-NCAP - Euro-NCAP assumes continous travel) to determien a difference between EuroNCAP ("...would continue to travel with the speed it is travelling.") and US-NCAP (with acceleration

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FL2	l-description	comment
RQ	requested	Indicator for Request on CAN bus or action request like "door opening interface"
AC	accoustical	detection of accoustical signal
OP	optical		detection of optical signal

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FL3	long description	comment
CB	communication bus (e.g. CAN)	Analysis of channel via CAN bus signal and electric/optical measurement
IP	impact-/crashpoint	neccassary to determine a difference in distance VUT-to-target and VUT-to-impact/crash point
LI	line			to name a distance between vehicle and line and give a difference to distance VUT-target in naming
Kind regards
Last edited by washausen on Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Proposal on new main locations and fine locations

Post by Admin »

Dear Martin,

are all the the timing channels used a Constant Value Channels?

Kind regards,
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Re: Proposal on new main locations and fine locations

Post by washausen »

Hello Dirk,

most of the main location will represent a constant value channel. The TTTC has as unit "s" and is not a constant value channel.
Most of the main location can be used for several channels.
For example TDOP (all constant value):

Code: Select all

11TDOP0100CBEV00	FT FS Tuer Status (CAN) - Event door opening mechanism/door handel
11TDOP010000EV00	FT FS Tuer Status (Contact sensor) - Event door opening mechanism/door handel
11TDOP000000EV00	VUT driver door opening interface (Contact sensor)
Best regards,
Posts: 23
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Re: Proposal on new main locations and fine locations

Post by washausen »


here is an update of my suggestions for main locations and fine locations:
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I want to address with new main locations a new approach for distance channels between two test objects. In the past, the same channel was used for different locations. I take use of the new coordinate system 1DT (see for longitudinal and lateral distances. You can find some examples here:
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An overview is in this file:
(161.28 KiB) Downloaded 185 times

Best regards
Martin Washausen
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